Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Father of Modern Chemistry

The Father of Modern ChemistryI was recently reading an online article discussing the father of modern chemistry and his contributions to this field. The writer is in the process of looking into the life of some of the chemists who have made great contributions to modern chemistry. Reading the article was intriguing to me, mainly because I am interested in the subject matter, and there was also some mention of the father of modern chemistry and the science of chemistry.In my own study of the life of the father of modern chemistry, I found that the field of chemistry was not actually founded on one scientist, but a number of scientists who brought about a synthesis. Before these first synthesis, there were no real physical properties associated with chemicals; it was simply a theory that chemical compounds were composed of atoms and molecules that moved back and forth on electricity.As these physical properties came to light, and scientists discovered chemical bonds that made the atom s and molecules interact, they realized that chemicals could hold physical properties. These first synthesises were important for chemists as they helped them make molecules that are chemically stable in many different environments, which is why they are considered the fathers of modern chemistry.In order to understand the men who have made these individual contributions, it would be helpful to look at the history of chemistry as a whole. At the time of their discovery, chemistry was a very new field, and even today is not recognized as a real science or as an academic subject.During this time, many of the individuals that founded modern chemistry were students of Alfred Nobel, who was well known for his work on the chemistry of gas chromatography. During the experiments that Nobel conducted, he discovered how to separate gases and how to determine their relative densities. Those two discoveries set the foundation for modern chemistry, which includes several fields that deal with th e study of gases.Even after the work of Nobel and others was completed, chemistry still had to figure out how to look at chemical interactions, and how to separate compounds from one another. This is where more research was done by chemists, and research is still ongoing today, looking into the interaction of chemicals, and how these interactions affect the chemical properties of various compounds. That is what makes the field so unique; there are many different theories as to how a compound should behave, and each one has a great deal of research behind it.Throughout the history of modern chemistry, those who have made significant contributions have often been forgotten because of how important their work was in formulating the theories for today's laboratory equipment and methodologies. It would also be interesting to look at the first syntheses, because there is not only a single chemist responsible for making them, but a whole bunch of researchers that were working on the same p roject. It would also be interesting to look at the fact that the father of modern chemistry was a woman; she was a graduate student of Alfred Nobel and is credited for having two key aspects of chemistry: creating the equation for the chemical bond, and for creating the first chemical model, which would later be used to design various kinds of models in chemistry.

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